今早从Wall Streat Journal上看到一封读者来信,有感美国文化。
I Hope Our Athletes Off-Field Performance Matches Their Talent
If I was teaching etiquette to U.S. Olympic team members ('U.S. Olympic Training Features a New Requirement: Etiquette 101,' page one, Aug. 6), I would have immediately corrected Michael Phelps's slovenly and disrespectful posture and Ryan Lochte's poor judgment in using his cell phone. Text messaging is never appropriate when other people are present, especially when they're instructing on good manners and cultural differences, as Jen Pan was attempting to do.
Unfortunately, Americans of all ages shamefully think it's acceptable to act any way they like and to use electronic devices wherever they wish. These swimmers' behavior in Palo Alto doesn't bode well for their non-Olympic performances in Beijing, and yes, the world is watching. I hope that this was an aberration and that their families and country will be proud of them in the coming weeks.
-Patty Smith
Etiquette Consultant
Colorado Springs, Colo.
大意,是纠正美国游泳名将迈克尔•菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)的懒散失礼的姿势以及瑞恩•罗切特(Ryan Lochte)用手机发短信的举动。